Luisana Lopilato and Michael Bublé surprised Dario Lopilato
Dario Lopilato released in Mar del Plata "Passion", the stage production of Aldo Funes who is starring opposite Germain Kraus, Stella Maris Lanzani, Claudia Albertario and Luly Drozdek. And two hours before the first exit the stage at the New Victoria Theatre, Luisana sister and her husband, Michael Bublé, they remembered him and called him to wish him luck.
And it turned out, because according to the site publishes Primicias Ya, the premiere of the play was a complete success to a full house and standing ovations. As is customary in the happy, when the show ended the cast greeted the crowd in the street and there could clearly see the love that you have all the other famous Lopilato has everything to be one of the figures this season.
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