Keep going to run at least 30 minutes in the morning. Keep going to the movies on weekends and answering messages from their tireless followers through social networks almost daily. Luisana Lopilato still, the blond and curvaceous actress who won the hearts of Argentinians, first, and your new husband now, the Canadian pop star Michael Bublé. Only now lives in Hollywood, wearing a glittering wedding ring and red carpet regulars.

His landing in Los Angeles at the hands of her famous husband turned to her also in news for the international entertainment press, and was expected to happen not too long until some director or producer would realize their beauty and bring its image the screen. The proposal came in and finished part of the cast of The River, a series produced no more and no less than Steven Spielberg, with a touch of science fiction and fantasy seem to approach the blockbuster Lost. She will play a cop who participates in investigating the strange disappearance of a browser that occurred in the middle of the Amazon.

The filming of the series already ended and the tape is in a state of post production, so that it will take a while to see the Argentina star to succeed in the United States. But you can see a preview, which takes a single picture of Luisana, faint and anxiety for his fans is great. "We want the photos @ lulopilato The River", ask for social networks.

Meanwhile, Luisana seems to feel increasingly comfortable with your new married life. Twitter recently published a photo of the view from the window of the room he shares with Michael Bublé: an amazing garden that appears in the middle of the field. In midsummer the U.S. is dedicated to sunbathing, going to acting classes and improve her English, even if you can see great progress, "Mike surprised me with a trip to LAS VEGAS! Wow! Yeah! Love you baby! (Mike I was surprised with a trip to Las Vegas! Wow! Yes I love you baby!), tweeted July 9, before embark for the "sin city".