A former "Patito Feo" grabbed a fit of social conscience and military thinking within the ranks of the UJS, with the help of his brother. Will she realize the socialist revolution?

That was the darling of "Patito Feo", which came with Carlitos Tevez and traveled the world touring and shopping. Many are the news items published on the person but the magazine Brenda Asnicar Soon, weekly edition, actually owns a first.

"I'm in the process of total change. I feel I'm someone else. I went down thousands of decibels and learned to appreciate the things overlooked, "confesses the former divine.

He reported that his brother is part of UJS (Union of Youth for Socialism) and while she is internalizing the subject, it seemed "a good place to do battle."

"All military should in some way, or engage with society and the world in which we live. Teens-reflection-we are a bit pending departure and the clubs and did not realize that there are people who are dying of hunger. "

While he referred to his present job and the return of Tevez with his ex-wife and mother of his two daughters, Vanessa Mansilla, Brenda can not stop talking about society and the responsibility to help.

"I had my old revolutionaries who were liberating a nation. The boys are a little deviant and therefore I believe that commitment is essential. Lucky that I have 150 000 people follow me on Twitter (@ Bren_Asnicar) and like to say interesting things. Bringing people together to go to the Plaza de Mayo to ask for just causes. "