In its recent report, the dynamic social organization said the Pesticide Action Network and its alternatives in Latin America (RAPAL) of Uruguay said that according to official reports, 2009 UPM pulp mill would have turned the river a half total "74 kilos of mercury." information generated concern among members of the Assembly of Gualeguaychú, who reject the installation of the Finnish pulp producer in the eastern bank of river.

Assemblyman Martin Alazard said the revelation raised concerns in the city and warned that "to defend Uruguay-UPM Botnia says the plant is operating within the standards but the mercury has no standard," and warned that "if this would be serious because it is a heavy metal, highly toxic, it gets into the food chain, causing severe injuries to human health and pose an enormous 74 kilos and pollution. "

The environmentalist also said he did not understand "the contradictions of the Uruguayan government, which on one hand is on trial with (the company) Phillips Morris snuff and smoke while still protecting the Finnish company."

RAPAL network, formed in 1983 by specialists who fight against pollution and pesticides, said in its November report that while the National Environment (DINAMA) argues that the plant at UPM (ex-Botnia) complies with the "Best Available Techniques "for the care of the environment seems to dump mercury was detected.

According to the report DINAMA August 2009, "the substances discharged (by the company to the river) are below the allowable limits, but RAPAL said, according to the Uruguayan newspaper La Juventud, the plant would also have given other substances such as mercury.

The NGO said that "as a result of bioaccumulation, and could be using this mercury through fish out of the Uruguay River."

"One of the many substances of concern emitted from pulp mills is mercury, a substance widely known for its impacts on health and the environment", appropriated the report was widely disseminated these days in the regional press.

The Uruguayan delegation RAPAL devoted its November monthly report to the "pulp mills, production of chlorine and mercury emissions," where he discussed the case of UPM.

In this regard, he alluded that the company uses a bleaching system called "elemental chlorine free" and that "world knows that the ECF system is clean and in its pollution is the emission of many hazardous elements including is mercury. "