Former Argentine President Carlos Menem warned that if declared in the AMIA trial affect state interests
Menem asked to be relieved of state secrecy to testify at the trial for covering up the attack on the AMIA, he warned that his statements could break the conviviality with other countries
Former President Carlos Menem today asked to be relieved of state secrecy to testify at the trial for covering up the attack on the AMIA for which he is accused, but warned it could affect "the interests of the Argentine State" and to cause "the disruption of peaceful coexistence "with other nations.
"It is a generic issue, but affects the Argentine government," said defender Omar Daer before the Federal Court 2 to raise the nullity of the case at the beginning of the debate, in the context of the third day of hearings.
Specifically, Daer claimed that former president to be relieved of "state secret" to testify at the trial where he is accused of covering up the "Syrian track", but threatened with the consequences of his remarks, which he warned, " could affect the interests of the state "Argentine and cause" the breaking of peaceful coexistence "with other nations.
A while later was the complaint of Memoria Activa which questioned more harshly that approach: "If Menem knows something of the attack and fell for 21 years, to come to this trial and say he knows honor the victims as a minimum compensation "said the lawyer Rodrigo Borda.
As the current Senator Menem is not present at the hearings due to health problems it was supposed to follow the debate alternatives through a videoconference.
He had even speculated that could provide preliminary statement, something that was not possible because the preliminary questions are not finished.
The truth is that Menem would follow the discussion via coax alternatives but there were technical problems in the building and that connection was without service.
Daer said that after the attacks on the embassy and the AMIA, Menem called not only to the SIDE but also the intelligence services of the United States, Britain, Israel and Brazil, among others, to clarify the facts.
And so, said his defense, his statement in this process would involve the need for the Senate to relieve him of the obligation not to disclose state secrets.
On the question of the involvement of state secrets defending former head of the SIDE Hugo Anzorreguy she was also added, and again accused also admitted.
In addition, Daer advantage to reject the accusation against his client: he said that he was imputing by a cover for the Syrian-born businessman Alberto Kanoore Edul when he was never charged with the bombing of the Jewish center.
"We have a cover that lacks the perpetrator. There is an absence of responsibility for the Syrian track. We also have the Iranian Kanoore Edul track ... If I had any responsibility, should be imprisoned ... But that part is omitted, "he complained.
And in that context, counsel argued: "There are nonexistent and insufficient evidence, we are on trial for side issues and not to try to discover the truth about the sad bombing" of July 18, 1994, that killed 85 people.
After trying to raise the invalidity of the processing of his client, Daer said that, at its discretion, concealment "is prescribed" and terminated his speech.
The defenses of former Judge Juan Jose Galeano and former prosecutors Eamon Mullen and Jose Barbaccia had also rejected the accusations against him, questioned the legitimacy of the judgment and challenged the validity of the participation of the complainants in the debate, which was rejected by these parties and the Public Ministry.
The TOF will be responsible for resolving these issues within two weeks, in early September, when the debate resumes.
Tidligere argentinske presidenten Carlos Menem advart om at hvis erklærte i AMIA rettssaken påvirke statens interesser
Menem bedt om å bli løst fra staten hemmelighold å vitne under rettssaken for å dekke opp angrepet på AMIA, advarte han at hans uttalelser kunne bryte gemyttlighet med andre land
Tidligere president Carlos Menem i dag bedt om å bli løst fra staten hemmelighold å vitne under rettssaken for å dekke opp angrepet på AMIA som han er tiltalt, men advarte det kan påvirke "interessene til den argentinske stat" og for å føre "den forstyrrelse av fredelig sameksistens "med andre nasjoner.
"Det er en generisk problem, men påvirker den argentinske regjeringen," sa forsvareren Omar Daer før Federal Court 2 for å heve ugyldigheten av saken i begynnelsen av debatten, i sammenheng med den tredje dagen av høringene.
Spesielt Daer hevdet at tidligere president å bli avløst av "statshemmeligheter" for å vitne i rettssaken der han er anklaget for å dekke opp de "syriske track", men truet med konsekvensene av sine bemerkninger, som han advarte " kan påvirke interessene til staten "argentinske og årsak" bryting av fredelig sameksistens "med andre nasjoner.
En stund senere var klagen av Memoria Activa som avhørt mer brutalt at tilnærmingen: "Hvis Menem vet noe om angrepet og falt i 21 år, for å komme til denne rettssaken, og sier han vet hedre ofrene som en minsteerstatning "sa advokaten Rodrigo Borda.
Som gjeldende Senator Menem er ikke til stede på høringen på grunn av helseproblemer det skulle følge debatten alternativer gjennom en videokonferanse.
Han hadde til og med spekulert som kan gi foreløpige uttalelse, noe som ikke var mulig fordi de foreløpige spørsmål ikke er ferdig.
Sannheten er at Menem ville følge diskusjonen via coax alternativer, men det var tekniske problemer i bygningen og at tilkoblingen var uten service.
Daer sa at etter angrepene på ambassaden og AMIA, kalt Menem ikke bare til side, men også etterretningstjenesten i USA, Storbritannia, Israel og Brasil, blant annet å klargjøre fakta.
Og så, sa hans forsvar, ville hans uttalelse i denne prosessen involverer behovet for Senatet å avlaste ham av plikten til ikke å avsløre statshemmeligheter.
På spørsmålet om involvering av statshemmeligheter som forsvarer tidligere leder av SIDE Hugo Anzorreguy hun ble også lagt til, og igjen siktede også innrømmet.
I tillegg til Daer fordel avviser anklagen mot hans klient: han sa at han var imputing av en cover for den syriske fødte forretningsmannen Alberto Kanoore Edul da han aldri ble belastet med bombingen av den jødiske senteret.
"Vi har et deksel som mangler gjerningsmannen. Det er et fravær av ansvar for den syriske sporet. Vi har også den iranske Kanoore Edul spor ... Hvis jeg hadde noe ansvar, bør fengsles ... Men at en del er utelatt, "klaget han.
Og i den sammenheng, prosessfullmektig hevdet: "Det er ikke-eksisterende og utilstrekkelig bevis, vi er på prøvespill for sidespørsmål og ikke for å prøve å finne sannheten om den triste bombing" 18. juli 1994, som tok livet av 85 mennesker.
Etter å ha prøvd å heve ugyldighet behandling av hans klient, Daer sa at, etter eget skjønn, fortielse "er foreskrevet" og avsluttet sin tale.
Forsvar av tidligere dommer Juan Jose Galeano og tidligere påtalemyndigheten Eamon Mullen og Jose Barbaccia hadde også avvist anklagene mot ham, spørsmål ved berettigelsen av dommen og utfordret gyldigheten av deltakelse av klagerne i debatten, som ble avvist av disse partiene og den offentlige departementet.
Den TOF vil være ansvarlig for å løse disse problemene i løpet av to uker, i begynnelsen av september, da debatten fortsetter.
Бывший президент Аргентины Карлос Менем предупредил, что если они будут объявлены в ходе судебного разбирательства УМВД влияют государственные интересы
Менем попросили быть освобожден от государственной тайны, чтобы свидетельствовать в суде для прикрытия нападения на УМВД, он предупредил, что его заявления могут нарушить праздничность с другими странами
Бывший президент Карлос Менем сегодня попросил освободить государственной тайны, чтобы свидетельствовать в суде для прикрытия нападения на УМВД, для которых он обвиняется, но предупредил, что это может повлиять на "интересы государства аргентинского" и вызвать " нарушение мирного сосуществования »с другими народами.
"Это общий вопрос, но влияет на аргентинское правительство", сказал защитник Омар Даер, прежде чем Федеральный суд 2 поднять недействительности случае в начале дискуссии, в контексте третьего дня слушаний.
В частности, утверждали, что Даер бывший президент будет освобожден от «государственной тайны», чтобы давать показания в суде, где он обвиняется в сокрытии "сирийский след", но под угрозой последствий его замечаний, которые он предупредил, " может повлиять на интересы государства "аргентинского и вызвать" нарушение мирного сосуществования »с другими народами.
Позже был жалоба Memoria Activa, которая под сомнение более жестко этот подход: "Если что-то знает Менем нападения и упал на 21 лет, чтобы прийти к этому суду и сказать, что он знает, почтить память жертв как минимум компенсации "сказал адвокат Родриго Борда.
Как тока сенатор Менем не присутствует на слушаниях из-за проблем со здоровьем он должен был следовать альтернативы дискуссию через видеоконференции.
Он даже предположил, что может обеспечить предварительное заявление, что-то, что не было возможно, потому что предварительные вопросы не закончена.
Правда в том, что Менем бы следить за обсуждением с помощью альтернативных коаксиальных но были технические проблемы в здании, и что связь была без обслуживания.
Даер сказал, что после нападения на посольство и УМВД, Менем называется не только стороны, но и спецслужбы США, Великобритании, Израиля и Бразилии, среди прочего, для выяснения фактов.
И так, сказал, что его защита, его заявление в этом процессе будет включать необходимость Сенат освобождает его от обязательства не раскрывать государственные секреты.
На вопрос о причастности государственных секретов, защищающих бывшего главу стороне Уго Anzorreguy она также добавили, и вновь обвинил также признался.
Кроме того, преимуществом Даер отклонить обвинение против его клиента: он говорит, что он был вменяя крышкой для сирийского происхождения бизнесмен Альберто Kanoore Edul, когда он не был обвинен во взрыве в еврейском центре.
"У нас есть покрытие, что не хватает преступника. Существует отсутствие ответственности за сирийском направлении. У нас также есть трек Ирана Kanoore Едиль ... Если бы я был никакой ответственности, должен сидеть в тюрьме ... Но что часть опущен, "пожаловался он.
И в этом контексте, адвокат утверждал: "Есть не существует, а достаточных доказательств, мы на суде по вопросам побочных и не пытаться узнать правду о печальной бомбардировки" от 18 июля 1994 года, в результате которого погибли 85 человек.
После попытки поднять недействительность обработки своего клиента, Даер сказал, что, по своему усмотрению, сокрытие "назначают" и прекратил его речь.
Оборона бывший судья Хуан Хосе Галеано и бывших прокуроров Имон Маллен и Хосе Barbaccia были также отверг обвинения против него, ставит под сомнение легитимность суда и вызов законность участия истцов в дискуссии, которая была отклонена эти партии и прокуратура.
ВП будет отвечать за решение этих вопросов в течение двух недель, в начале сентября, когда дебаты возобновляется.
Eski Arjantin Devlet Başkanı Carlos Menem AMIA davasında ilan takdirde devlet çıkarlarını etkilediği konusunda uyardı
Menem AMIA saldırıyı örtbas için duruşmada tanıklık etmek, devlet gizlilik rahatladım istedi, onun ifadeleri, diğer ülkeler ile şenlik kırmak konusunda uyardı
Eski Cumhurbaşkanı Carlos Menem, bugün o itham edildiği için AMIA saldırıyı örtbas için duruşmada tanıklık etmek, devlet gizlilik rahatladım istedi, ancak etkileyecek "Arjantinli Devletin çıkarları" ve "neden olabilir uyardı diğer milletlerle barış içinde birarada yaşama "bozulması.
Federal Mahkemesi 2 duruşmanın üçüncü gününde bağlamında, tartışmanın başında davanın Geçersizlik yükseltmek için önce "Bu genel bir konudur, ancak Arjantinli hükümeti etkiler" defans Ömer Daer dedi.
Özellikle, Daer "eski cumhurbaşkanı" Suriye parça "örtbas suçlanıyor davasında tanıklık etmek" devlet sırrı "kurtulmuş olmak iddia, ama o uyardı yaptığı konuşmada sonuçları, tehdit diğer milletlerle barış içinde birarada yaşama "kırılma" Arjantin ve neden "devletin çıkarlarını etkileyebilir.
Menem saldırı şey biliyorsa "ve bu çalışmada gelmek için, 21 yıl boyunca düştü ve o asgari tazminat olarak kurbanlarını onurlandırmak bilir ki: Bir süre sonra daha sert bu yaklaşımı sorguladı Memoria Activa şikayet "Avukat Rodrigo Borda dedi.
Geçerli Senatör Menem sağlık sorunları nedeniyle duruşmalara mevcut değil gibi bir videokonferans yoluyla tartışma alternatifleri takip etmek gerekiyordu.
Hatta bu ön bildirimde, ön sorular bitmiş değil çünkü mümkün değildi şey sağlayabilir spekülasyonlar vardı.
Gerçek şu ki Menem koaksiyel alternatifleri üzerinden tartışmayı takip edecek ama orada binada teknik sorunlar vardı ve bu bağlantı hizmeti olmadan olmasıdır.
Daer büyükelçiliği ve AMIA yapılan saldırıların ardından, Menem gerçekleri açıklığa kavuşturmak için, YAN için değil, aynı zamanda diğerlerinin yanı sıra ABD, İngiltere, İsrail ve Brezilya'da, istihbarat servisleri sadece denilen söyledi.
Ve böylece, Senato devlet sırlarını ifşa etmek değil yükümlülüğün onu rahatlatmak için yaptığı savunma, bu süreçte yaptığı açıklamada ihtiyacını içeren söyledi.
YAN Hugo Anzorreguy o da yine ilave edildi ve eski başkanı savunan devlet sırlarının katılımı sorusu üzerine de itiraf Sanık.
Buna ek olarak, Daer avantajı müvekkiline karşı suçlama reddetme: o Yahudi merkezinin bombalanması ile suçlandı asla Suriye doğumlu işadamı Alberto Kanoore Edul için bir kapak ile tahakkuk söyledi.
"Biz de İran Kanoore Edul parça var ... Ben, hapse gereken herhangi bir sorumluluğu olsaydı. Suriyeli parça için sorumluluk yokluğu vardır. Fail yoksun bir kapak var ... Ama bu kısmıdır ihmal, "diye şikayet etti.
Ve bu bağlamda, avukat savundu: "varolmayan ve yeterli kanıt vardır, biz yan konularda yargılanan ve hüzünlü bombalama hakkında gerçeği keşfetmek için denemek için değil" 85 kişiyi öldürdü 18 Temmuz 1994 arasında.
Müvekkilinin işleme geçersizliğini yükseltmek için denedikten sonra, Daer kendi takdirine bağlı olarak, gizleme "reçete" ve konuşmasını sona, söyledi.
Eski Yargıç Juan Jose Galeano ve eski savcı Eamon Mullen ve Jose Barbaccia savunmasının vardı da, aleyhindeki suçlamaları reddetti yargı meşruiyetini sorguladı ve tarafından reddedildi tartışma, içinde şikayetçilerin katılımı geçerliliğini meydan Bu partiler ve Kamu Bakanlığı.
TOF tartışma devam ettiğinde, Eylül ayı başında, iki hafta içinde bu sorunları çözmek için sorumlu olacaktır.
OwayenguMongameli Argentina Carlos Menem waxwayisa ngokuthi uma wamemezela ecaleni AMIA thinta izithakazelo isimo
Menem wacela ukuba akhululwe wombuso ekusithekeni ukuze afakaze ecaleni for ukufihla kuhlasela on the AMIA, waxwayisa ngokuthi amazwi akhe akukwazanga ukwephula conviviality namanye amazwe
UMongameli wangaphambilini Carlos Menem namuhla wacela ukuba akhululwe wombuso ekusithekeni ukuze afakaze ecaleni for ukufihla kuhlasela on the AMIA wona usolwa, kodwa waxwayisa kungaphazamisa "izithakazelo State Argentina" futhi ibangela "the ukuphazamiseka nokuhlalisana ngokuthula "kanye nezinye izizwe.
"Lolu wudaba ejwayelekile, kodwa kuthinta uhulumeni Argentine," kusho umdlali wasemuva Omar Daer phambi kweNkantolo 2 Federal ukuba baphakamise nullity icala ekuqaleni mpikiswano, umongo ngosuku lwesithathu wokulalelwa.
Ngokuqondile, Daer ayethi owayengumengameli ukuba akhululwe "isimo imfihlo" ukufakaza ecaleni lapho usolwa ukufihla the "ithrekhi umSiriya", kodwa ezisengozini nemiphumela ayebatshele zona, lapho waxwayisa: " kungalimaza izithakazelo isimo "Argentine futhi imbangela" ekuhlephuleni nokuhlalisana ngokuthula "kanye nezinye izizwe.
Ngemva ngenkathi kwaba isikhalazo memoria Activa lapho ephenywa ngemibuzo more kabi ukuthi ndlela: "Uma Menem uyazi into kuhlasela wawa iminyaka engu-21, ukuba beze kulesi kwecala futhi uthi uyazi badumise izisulu njengoba isinxephezelo okungenani "kusho ummeli Rodrigo Borda.
Njengoba okwamanje Senator Menem engekho ekulalelweni ngenxa yezinkinga zezempilo kwakufanele ukulandela izindlela mpikiswano ngokusebenzisa yenkomfa yevidiyo.
Wayeke ngisho wasikisela ukuthi zingaletha isitatimende wokulungiselela, into kwakungenakwenzeka ngoba imibuzo wokulungiselela kungukuthi kuqeda.
Iqiniso liwukuthi Menem balandzele ingxoxo nge coax ezinye izindlela kodwa kwakunezinkinga zobuchwepheshe in isakhiwo nokuthi ukuhlobana okwakukhona ngaphandle service.
Daer wathi ngemva kokuhlaselwa lenxusa kanye AMIA, Menem ngokuthi hhayi kuphela SIDE kodwa izinkonzo intelligence of the United States, Britain, Israel futhi Brazil, phakathi kwabanye, ukuba acacise amaqiniso.
Futhi kanjalo, uthe abameli bakhe, amazwi akhe kule nqubo kungabandakanya isidingo sokuba Senate ukuze amkhulule besibopho hhayi ukudalula izimfihlo isimo.
On umbuzo ukubandakanywa izimfihlo isimo sivikele nowake waba yinhloko SIDE Hugo Anzorreguy wayeshaywe futhi wanezela, futhi waphinde Umsolwa futhi wavuma.
Ngaphezu kwalokho, Daer inzuzo ukwenqaba bemangalela ikhasimende lakhe: wathi kwaba engababaleli ngumuntu cover for the usomabhizinisi waseSiriya owazalelwa Alberto Kanoore Edul lapho aliphindanga necala kwamabhomu besikhungo Jewish.
"Sine a cover noswele ngohluphayo. Kukhona bengekho umthwalo ithrekhi umSiriya. Siphinde sibe ithrekhi Iranian Kanoore Edul ... Uma ngaba yimuphi umthwalo, kufanele ababoshiwe ... Kodwa lokho ingxenye ivinjelwe, "wakhononda.
Futhi kuleso simo, iseluleko wathi: "Kukhona ubufakazi nhlobo futhi obanele, thina icala izinto eziseceleni hhayi ukuzama ukuthola iqiniso mayelana kwamabhomu sad" of July 18, 1994, kwashona abantu abangu-85.
Ngemva kokuzama ukuba baphakamise semthethweni we processing ikhasimende lakhe, Daer wathi, ngokubona kwayo, yokucasha "ezinqunyiwe" futhi ukhawuke inkulumo yakhe.
Izivikelo iJaji owabe Juan Jose Galeano kanye abashushisi owabe Eamon Mullen futhi Jose Barbaccia kwadingeka naye wayilahla bembeka amacala, wangabaza ukufaneleka ukwahlulelwa futhi inselele ukuba yiqiniso kwalesi iqhaza efaka mpikiswano, esachithwa by la amaqembu kanye Ministry Public.
The tof izoba nesibopho ekuxazululeni lezi zimpikiswano kungakapheli amasonto amabili, ekuqaleni kuka September, lapho mpikiswano uqhubeka.
Big Brother 2015: Nadia Terazzolo in Playboy
Do not miss the incredible advancement of production that the former "sister" magazine conducted to Bunny.
Share 6 Shared already spent more than 100 days since starting the 2015 edition of Big Brother.
While the boys in the house vying for a place in the final, which came already full of activities.
It is precisely the case of Nadia Terazzolo, the first eliminated, who posed for Playboy magazine.
Argentine citizens chide presidential candidate and governor of Buenos Aires after tragic floods #VIDEO
When the governor of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, walked through the province, after a terrible flood, a neighbor asked him about his wife and his health.
Scioli said that both were well, she rebuked him saying he was not good, and they had lost everything.
The presidential candidate said he would recover all, but people began to insult him by asking: How can we recover all the dead? What will happen to the dead grandparents?
Argentina: Mass march against violence against women
An initiative born through social networks has become one of the most massive marches of the country's history
This guy wants to be Mayor of Salta city, Argentina (Population: 619,000)
Walter Wayra is a national congressman who wants to be Mayor of Salta City. He is running for elections and he has launched a set of video ads who became viral in Argentina.
Here you have 2 of them.
This is REAL. THis is not a joke and it´s part of one of the most important cities of Argentina.
Tini Stoessel was the argentine artist who most money earned in 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) became a renowned international artist thanks to the very popular TV show "Violetta".
And the successful tour held in 2014 reaffirms, not only filled every room in which it was presented but the huge ticket the third positioned, globally, as the artist who more money harvested in 2014.
The statistic was provided by an international magazine specialized in music, where the band stated that more money collected on their extensive tours was One Direction, with an average of $ 108 per entry; in second place was Foo Fighters and third, Violetta.
Violetta tours, Enrique Iglesias with Pitbull and Juan Gabriel are among the most profitable of the moment worldwide.
The argentine artist Martina Stoessel, who plays the eponymous series Violetta Disney, ranked third with "Violetta Live", just below One Direction and the Foo Fighters, according to the trade publication Pollstar. Recall that act Tini Mendoza on May 5 in the Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias and Pitbull rank sixth and ninth Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, meanwhile, was placed in the 12th.
Pollstar list includes the city raised average and average ticket prices.
Here the full list
1. One Direction; $ 5,824,734 average revenue per city in which it is presented; $ 108.57 each input value on average.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3,123,758; $ 88.27.
3. Violetta; $ 2,061,960; $ 77.17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1,612,996; $ 125.68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1,456,267; $ 91.04.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1,130,916; $ 85.88.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1,106,153; $ 90.84.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1,073,882; $ 99.43.
티니 Stoessel 아르헨티나는 대부분의 돈 2014 원 작가였다.
마르티나 "티니"(18) Stoessel는 매우 인기 TV 시리즈 '비올레타'로 유명한 국제 예술가의 감사가되었다.
2014 재확인에서 개최 된 성공적인 투어는,이 발표되었다있는 모든 방을 가득뿐 아니라 거대한 티켓은 세 번째 더 많은 돈이 2014 년에 수확 한 작가로, 전 세계적으로, 위치.
통계는 밴드가 자신의 광범위한 투어에서 수집 된 돈은 항목 당 $ (108)의 평균, 한 방향이라고 주장 음악 전문 국제 잡지에 의해 제공되었다; 2 위 푸 파이터스와 비올레타, 세 번째였다.
핏불과 후안 가브리엘과 비올레타 투어, 엔리케 이글레시아스는 전 세계적으로 순간의 가장 수익성이 중입니다.
시조 시리즈 비올레타 디즈니 재생 아르헨티나 작가 마르티나 Stoessel는, 무역 간행물 Pollstar에 따라, 하나의 방향과 푸 파이터스 이하 "비올레타 라이브"로 3 위. 말 비나 스 Argentinas 월 5 일 해당 법 티니 멘도사 리콜
이글레시아스와 핏불 순위 여섯 번째와 아홉 번째 후안 가브리엘. 리카르도 Arjona는 한편, 12 일에 배치되었다.
Pollstar 목록은 도시 평균 평균 티켓 가격을 인상이 포함되어 있습니다.
여기에 전체 목록
1. 한 방향; 5,824,734달러가 제공되는 도시 당 평균 수익은; $ 108.57 평균 각 입력 값입니다.
2. 푸 파이터스; 3,123,758달러; $ 88.27.
3. 비올레타; 2,061,960달러; $ 77.17.
4. 플릿 우드 맥; 1,612,996달러; $ 125.68.
5. 마룬 5; 1백45만6천2백67달러; $ 91.04.
6. 엔리케 이글레시아스 / 핏불; 1백13만9백16달러; $ 85.88.
7. 여왕 + 아담 램버트; 1백10만6천1백53달러; $ 90.84.
8. 크리스 브라운; 1백7만3천8백82달러; $ 99.43.
Tini Stoessel Argentina var kunstneren mest penger vunnet i 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) ble et internasjonalt anerkjent artist takket være den svært populære TV-serien "Violetta".
Og den vellykkede turen holdt i 2014 bekrefter, ikke bare fylt alle rom der det ble presentert, men den enorme billett tredje posisjonert, globalt, som kunstneren som mer penger høstet i 2014.
Statistikken ble gitt av et internasjonalt magasin spesialisert på musikk, hvor bandet uttalt at mer penger samlet inn på sine omfattende turneer var One Direction, med et gjennomsnitt på $ 108 per oppføring; på andreplass var Foo Fighters og tredje, Violetta.
Violetta turer, Enrique Iglesias med Pitbull og Juan Gabriel er blant de mest lønnsomme for øyeblikket over hele verden.
Argentina artist Martina Stoessel, som spiller den selvtitulerte serien Violetta Disney, rangert som nummer tre med "Violetta live", like nedenfor One Direction og Foo Fighters, ifølge bransjebladet Pollstar. Husker at loven Tini Mendoza den 5. mai i Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias og Pitbull rang sjette og niende Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, i mellomtiden, ble plassert i det 12..
Pollstar listen inkluderer byen hevet gjennomsnitts og gjennomsnittlige billettpriser.
Her hele listen
1. One Direction; $ 5.824.734 gjennomsnittlig inntekt per byen der det er presentert; $ 108,57 hver inngangsverdien i gjennomsnitt.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3,123,758; $ 88,27.
3. Violetta; $ 2,061,960; $ 77,17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1,612,996; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1,456,267; $ 91,04.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1,130,916; $ 85,88.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1,106,153; $ 90,84.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1,073,882; $ 99,43.
Tini Stoessel آرژانتین هنرمند بیشتر پول به دست آورد در سال 2014 بود.
Tini Stoessel Argentyna była artystką najwięcej pieniędzy wygrał w 2014 r.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) stał się znany dzięki międzynarodowych artystów w bardzo popularnym serialu "Violetta".
A sukces Wycieczka odbyła się w 2014 potwierdza, nie tylko wypełnia każdy pokój, w którym został przedstawiony, ale ogromny trzeci umieszczony bilet, na całym świecie, jako artysta, który więcej pieniędzy zebranych w 2014 r.
Statystyki były dostarczone przez międzynarodowy magazyn specjalizujący się w muzyce, gdzie zespół stwierdził, że więcej pieniędzy zebranych na swoich długich wycieczek było One Direction, przy średniej w wysokości 108 dolarów za wejście; Na drugim miejscu był Foo Fighters i trzeci, Violetta.
Violetta wycieczki, Enrique Iglesias z Pitbull i Juan Gabriel są jednymi z najbardziej dochodowych od tej chwili na całym świecie.
Argentyna artysty Martina Stoessel, który gra tytułową serii Violetta Disney, zajął trzecie miejsce w "Violetta Live", tuż pod jednym kierunku i Foo Fighters, zgodnie z publikacją handlową Pollstar. Przypomnijmy, że akt Tini Mendoza w dniu 5 maja w Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias i Pitbull rangi szóstej i dziewiątej Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, w międzyczasie, został umieszczony w 12.
Lista Pollstar obejmuje miasto średnie i średnie podniosła ceny biletów.
Oto pełna lista
1. One Direction; 5.824.734 dolarów średni przychód na miasto, w którym jest przedstawiony; 108,57 dolarów każda wartość wejściowa średnio.
2. Foo Fighters; 3.123.758 dolarów; 88,27 dolarów.
3. Violetta; 2.061.960 dolarów; 77,17 dolarów.
4. Fleetwood Mac; 1.612.996 dolarów; 125,68 dolarów.
5. Maroon 5; 1.456.267 dolarów; 91,04 dolarów.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; 1.130.916 dolarów; 85,88 dolarów.
7. Adam Lambert królowa +; 1.106.153 dolarów; 90,84 dolarów.
8. Chris Brown; 1.073.882 dolarów; 99,43 dolarów
Tini Stoessel Argentina foi o artista mais dinheiro ganhou em 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) se tornou um artista de renome internacional graças à série de TV muito popular "Violetta".
E a bem sucedida turnê realizada em 2014 reafirma, não só encheu cada quarto em que foi apresentado, mas o enorme bilhete do terceiro posicionado, a nível mundial, como o artista que mais dinheiro colhido em 2014.
A estatística foi fornecida por uma revista internacional especializada em música, onde a banda afirmou que mais dinheiro coletado em suas extensas turnês era uma direção, com uma média de US $ 108 por entrada; Em segundo lugar ficou Foo Fighters e terceiro, Violetta.
Tours Violetta, Enrique Iglesias com Pitbull e Juan Gabriel estão entre as mais rentáveis do momento em todo o mundo.
O artista Argentina Martina Stoessel, que interpreta a série de mesmo nome Violetta Disney, ficou em terceiro lugar com "Violetta Live", logo abaixo uma direção e os Foo Fighters, segundo a publicação Pollstar. Lembre-se que ato Tini Mendoza em 5 de maio no Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias e Pitbull sexto posto e nono Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, entretanto, foi colocado na 12ª.
Pollstar lista inclui a cidade aumentou os preços médios e médios ingressos.
Aqui a lista completa
1. Uma direção; 5824734 dólares receita média por cidade em que é apresentado; $ 108,57 cada valor da entrada, em média.
2. Foo Fighters; 3123758 dólares; 88,27 dólares.
3. Violetta; 2,06196 milhões dólares; 77,17 dólares.
4. Fleetwood Mac; 1612996 dólares; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; 1456267 dólares; 91,04 dólares.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; 1130916 dólar; 85,88 dólares.
7. Rainha + Adam Lambert; $ 1106153; 90,84 dólares.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1073882; 99,43 dólares.
Tini Stoessel Argentina a fost artistul cel mai de bani a câștigat în 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) a devenit un renumit artist datorită internaționale la foarte popularul serial de televiziune "Violetta".
Și turneul de succes a avut loc în 2014 reafirmă, nu numai completat fiecare cameră în care a fost prezentat, dar biletul imens al treilea poziționat, la nivel global, deoarece artistul care mai mulți bani recoltate în 2014.
Statistica a fost asigurată de o revistă internațională specializată în muzică, în cazul în care trupa a declarat că mai mulți bani colectate pe tururi lor extinse a fost o direcție, cu o medie de 108 dolari per intrare; în al doilea rând a fost Fighters Foo și al treilea, Violetta.
Excursii Violetta, Enrique Iglesias cu Pitbull și Juan Gabriel sunt printre cele mai profitabile de moment la nivel mondial.
Argentina Artistul Martina Stoessel, care joacă seria omonim Violetta Disney, locul al treilea cu "Violetta live", chiar sub o direcție și Foo Fighters, potrivit publicației comerț Pollstar. Amintiti-va ca act Tini Mendoza pe data de 5 în Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias și Pitbull rang al șaselea și al nouălea Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, între timp, a fost plasat în 12.
Lista Pollstar include orașul ridicat prețurile medii și medii de bilete.
Aici lista completă
1. O direcție; 5824734 dolari venitul mediu pe oras in care este prezentat; 108.57 dolari fiecare valoare de intrare, în medie.
2. Fighters Foo; 3123758 dolari; 88.27 dolari.
3. Violetta; 2061960 dolari; 77.17 dolari.
4. Fleetwood Mac; 1612996 dolari; 125.68 dolari.
5. Maroon 5; 1456267 dolari; 91.04 dolari.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; 1130916 dolari; 85.88 dolari.
7. Regina + Adam Lambert; 1106153 dolari; 90.84 dolari.
8. Chris Brown; 1073882 dolari; 99.43 dolari
Тини Стессель Аргентина художник больше всего денег выиграл в 2014 году.
Мартина "Тини" Стессель (18) стал известным международным художником благодаря очень популярном сериале "Виолетта".
И успешный тур состоится в 2014 году вновь подтвердила, заполнены не только каждую комнату, в которой он был представлен, но огромный билет третьего позиционируется, в глобальном масштабе, как художника, который больше денег, собранного в 2014 году.
Статистика была предоставлена международным журналом специализируется на музыке, где группа заявила, что больше денег собрано на их обширные туров был One Direction, в среднем $ 108 за вход; На втором месте оказался Foo Fighters и в-третьих, Виолетта.
Виолетта туры, Энрике Иглесиас с Pitbull и Хуан Габриэль среди наиболее выгодно на момент во всем мире.
Аргентина художник Мартина Стессель, который играет одноименный серии Виолетта Дисней, занимает третье место с "Виолетта Live", чуть ниже одном направлении, а бойцов Foo, согласно торговой публикации Pollstar. Напомним, что акт Тини Мендоса 5 мая в Мальвинских Argentinas
Иглесиас и Pitbull Оценка шестой и девятый Хуан Габриэль. Рикардо Архона, тем временем, был помещен в 12-м.
Список включает в себя Pollstar город поднял средние и средние цены на билеты.
Вот полный список
1. Один направлении; $ 5824734 средний доход за город, в котором она представлена; $ 108.57 каждое значение входного сигнала на среднем.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3123758; $ 88.27.
3. Виолетта; $ 2061960; $ 77.17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1612996; $ 125.68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1456267; $ 91.04.
6. Энрике Иглесиас / Pitbull; $ 1130916; $ 85.88.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1106153; $ 90.84.
8. Крис Браун; $ 1073882; $ 99.43.
Tini Stoessel Argentina bil umetnik največ denarja zmagal leta 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) je postal ugleden mednarodni umetnik zahvaljujoč zelo popularne TV serije "Violetta".
In uspešna turneja potekala v 2014 ponovno potrjuje, napolnjene ne samo vsak prostor, v katerem je bilo predstavljeno, ampak ogromen vstopnica tretji položaju, v svetovnem merilu, kot umetnika, ki več denarja, pridelanega v letu 2014.
Statistika je zagotovil mednarodni reviji, specializirani za glasbo, kjer je skupina navedla, da je bilo bolj zbrani denar na svojih obsežnih turnejah One Direction, v povprečju 108 $ na začetku; Na drugem mestu je bil Foo Fighters in tretjič, Violetta.
Violetta izleti, Enrique Iglesias z Pitbull in Juan Gabriel so med najbolj donosna od trenutka, ko po vsem svetu.
Argentina umetnika Martina Stoessel, ki igra v istoimenski seriji Violetta Disney, tretje uvrščeni z "Violetta Live", tik pod eno smer in Foo Fighters, po objavi trgovine Pollstar. Spomnimo se, da je akt Tini Mendoza 5. maja v Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias in Pitbull čin šesti in deveti Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, medtem, je bila postavljena v 12..
Seznam Pollstar vključuje mesto postavljeno povprečne in povprečne cene vozovnic.
Tu Celoten seznam
1. One Direction; 5.824.734 $ povprečni prihodek na mestu, v katerem je predstavljen; 108,57 $ vsaka vhodna vrednost v povprečju.
2. Foo Fighters; 3.123.758 $; 88,27 $.
3. Violetta; 2.061.960 $; 77,17 $.
4. Fleetwood Mac; 1.612.996 $; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; 1.456.267 $; 91,04 $.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; 1.130.916 $; 85,88 $.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; 1.106.153 $; 90,84 $.
8. Chris Brown; 1.073.882 $; 99,43 $.
Tini Stoessel Argentina var konstnären mest pengar vann 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) blev ett internationellt välrenommerat artist tack vare den mycket populära TV-serien "Violetta".
Och den framgångsrika turné hölls i 2014 Europaparlamentet bekräftar inte bara fyllde varje rum där det lades fram, men den stora biljett tredje placerad, globalt, som konstnären som mer pengar skördas 2014.
Statistiken tillhandahölls av en internationell tidskrift som specialiserat sig på musik, där bandet uppgav att mer pengar som samlas in på deras omfattande turnéer var One Direction, med ett genomsnitt på 108 $ per post; på andra plats var Foo Fighters och tredje, Violetta.
Violetta turer, Enrique Iglesias med Pitbull och Juan Gabriel är bland de mest lönsamma för tillfället i världen.
Den Argentina konstnären Martina Stoessel, som spelar den självbetitlade serien Violetta Disney, rankad trea med "Violetta Live", strax under en riktning och Foo Fighters, enligt facktidskriften Pollstar. Minns att agera Tini Mendoza den 5 maj i Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias och Pitbull rang sjätte och nionde Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, under tiden, placerades i den 12: e.
Pollstar Listan innehåller staden höjde genomsnittliga och genomsnittliga biljettpriser.
Här hela listan
1. One Direction; $ 5.824.734 genomsnittlig intäkt per stad där den presenteras; $ 108,57 varje ingångsvärde i genomsnitt.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3.123.758; $ 88,27.
3. Violetta; $ 2.061.960; $ 77,17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1.612.996; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1.456.267; $ 91,04.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1.130.916; $ 85,88.
7. Drottning + Adam Lambert; $ 1.106.153; $ 90,84.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1.073.882; $ 99,43
อาร์เจนตินา Tini Stoessel เป็นศิลปินที่ได้รับรางวัลเงินมากที่สุดในปี 2014
มาติ "Tini" Stoessel (18) กลายเป็นศิลปินที่มีชื่อเสียงระดับนานาชาติขอบคุณทีวีซีรีส์ที่นิยมมาก "ไวโอเล็ต"
และประสบความสำเร็จในทัวร์ที่จัดขึ้นในปี 2014 ตอกย้ำไม่เพียง แต่เต็มไปด้วยห้องพักทุกห้องในการที่จะถูกนำเสนอ แต่ตั๋วใหญ่สามตำแหน่งทั่วโลกในฐานะศิลปินที่เงินได้มากขึ้นในปี 2014 การเก็บเกี่ยว
สถิติที่ถูกจัดให้โดยนิตยสารระหว่างประเทศเฉพาะในเพลงที่วงกล่าวว่าการเก็บรวบรวมเงินได้มากขึ้นในทัวร์กว้างขวางของพวกเขาเป็นทิศทางเดียวกับค่าเฉลี่ยของ $ 108 ต่อรายการ; ในสถานที่ที่สองคือฟูสู้และสามไวโอเล็ต
ทัวร์ไวโอเล็ต, Enrique Iglesias กับพิตบูลและฮวนกาเบรียลเป็นหนึ่งในผลกำไรสูงสุดของช่วงเวลาที่ทั่วโลก
ศิลปินอาร์เจนตินา Martina Stoessel ผู้เล่นชุดบาร์ไวโอเล็ตดิสนีย์อันดับที่สามด้วย "ไวโอเล็ตสด" อยู่ด้านล่างของ One Direction และฟูสู้ตามสิ่งพิมพ์ค้าโพลล์ จำได้ว่าการกระทำ Tini เมนโดซาวันที่ 5 พฤษภาคมใน Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias และพิตบูลอันดับหกและกาเบรียลฆเก้า Ricardo Arjona ขณะที่อยู่ในวันที่ 12
1. One Direction; $ 5,824,734 รายได้เฉลี่ยต่อเมืองในการที่จะนำเสนอ; $ 108.57 แต่ละค่าการป้อนข้อมูลโดยเฉลี่ย
2. ฟูสู้; $ 3,123,758; $ 88.27
3. ไวโอเล็ต; $ 2,061,960; $ 77.17
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1,612,996; $ 125.68
5. Maroon 5; $ 1,456,267; $ 91.04
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1,130,916; $ 85.88
7. สมเด็จพระราชินี + อดัมแลมเบิร์; $ 1,106,153; $ 90.84
8. คริสบราวน์; $ 1,073,882; $ 99.43
Tini Stoessel çoğu Arjantin para 2014 yılında kazandı sanatçı oldu.
Martina "Tini" (18) Stoessel çok popüler TV dizisi "Violetta" tanınmış bir uluslararası sanatçı sayesinde oldu.
Ve 2014 etmese düzenlenen başarılı tur, bu takdim edildiği her odayı doldurdu sadece ama çok büyük bilet üçüncü fazla para 2014 yılında hasat sanatçı olarak, küresel konumlandırılmış.
istatistik bandı onların geniş turları toplanan daha fazla para girişi başına $ 108 ortalama ile, One Direction olduğunu belirtti müzik konusunda uzmanlaşmış uluslararası bir dergi tarafından sağlandı; ikinci sırada yer Foo Fighters ve Violetta, üçüncü oldu.
Pitbull ve Juan Gabriel ile Violetta turlar, Enrique Iglesias, dünya çapında şu an en karlı arasındadır.
Eponymous dizi Violetta Disney oynayan Arjantin sanatçı Martina Stoessel, ticaret yayına Pollstar göre, sadece One Direction ve Foo Fighters altında, "Violetta Live" ile üçüncü sırada yer aldı. Malvinas Argentinas 5 Mayıs bu hareket Tini Mendoza hatırlayın
Iglesias ve Pitbull rütbe altıncı ve dokuzuncu Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, bu arada, 12 yerleştirilmiştir.
Pollstar liste şehir ortalama ve ortalama bilet fiyatları yükseltti içerir.
İşte tam liste
1. One Direction; 5.824.734 $ o sunulduğu kent başına ortalama gelir; 108,57 $ ortalama olarak her giriş değeri.
2. Foo Fighters; 3.123.758 $; 88,27 $.
3. Violetta; 2.061.960 $; 77,17 $.
4. Fleetwood Mac; 1.612.996 $; 125,68 $.
5. Maroon 5; 1.456.267 $; 91,04 $.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; 1.130.916 $; 85,88 $.
7. Kraliçe + Adam Lambert; 1.106.153 $; 90,84 $.
8. Chris Brown; 1.073.882 $; 99,43 $.
Argentina Tini Stoessel là nghệ sĩ nhiều tiền nhất chiến thắng trong năm 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) đã trở thành một nghệ sĩ nổi tiếng quốc tế nhờ vào bộ phim truyền hình rất phổ biến "Violetta".
Và các tour du lịch tổ chức thành công trong năm 2014 khẳng định, không chỉ điền mỗi phòng trong đó nó đã được trình bày nhưng vé lớn thứ ba vị trí, trên toàn cầu, như các nghệ sĩ tiền hơn thu hoạch trong năm 2014.
Các số liệu thống kê được cung cấp bởi một tạp chí quốc tế chuyên ngành âm nhạc, nơi ban nhạc tuyên bố rằng hơn tiền thu về tour du lịch phong phú của họ là One Direction, với trung bình $ 108 cho mỗi mục; ở vị trí thứ hai là Foo Fighters và thứ ba, Violetta.
Violetta tour du lịch, Enrique Iglesias với Pitbull và Juan Gabriel là một trong những lợi nhuận nhất của thời điểm này trên toàn thế giới.
Các nghệ sĩ Argentina Martina Stoessel, người đóng vai loạt cùng tên Violetta Disney, xếp thứ ba với "Violetta Live", chỉ sau One Direction và Foo Fighters, theo công bố thương mại Pollstar. Nhớ lại rằng hành động Tini Mendoza vào tháng 5 tại Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias và Pitbull hạng thứ sáu và thứ chín Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, trong khi đó, đã được đặt trong 12.
Danh sách Pollstar bao gồm thành phố tăng giá vé trung bình và trung bình.
Đây là danh sách đầy đủ
1. One Direction; 5.824.734 $ doanh thu trung bình trên mỗi thành phố, trong đó nó được trình bày; $ 108,57 mỗi giá trị đầu vào trên trung bình.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3.123.758; 88,27 $.
3. Violetta; $ 2.061.960; 77,17 $.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1.612.996; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1.456.267; 91,04 $.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1.130.916; 85,88 $.
7. Nữ hoàng + Adam Lambert; $ 1.106.153; 90,84 $.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1.073.882; 99,43 $.
Roedd Ariannin Tini Stoessel yr artist mwyaf o arian a enillwyd yn 2014.
Daeth Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) artist enwog diolch rhyngwladol i'r gyfres deledu boblogaidd iawn "Violetta".
Ac mae'r daith lwyddiannus a gynhaliwyd yn 2014 yn ailddatgan, nid yn unig yn llenwi pob ystafell lle y cafodd ei chyflwyno ond y tocyn enfawr y trydydd lleoli, yn fyd-eang, fel yr artist a oedd mwy o arian a gynaeafwyd yn 2014.
Yr ystadegyn ei ddarparu gan gylchgrawn rhyngwladol arbenigol mewn cerddoriaeth, lle dywedodd y band bod mwy o arian a gasglwyd ar eu teithiau helaeth oedd un Cyfarwyddyd, gyda chyfartaledd o $ 108 y mynediad; yn ail oedd Foo Fighters ac yn drydydd, Violetta.
Teithiau Violetta, Enrique Iglesias gyda Pitbull a Juan Gabriel ymysg y rhai mwyaf proffidiol o bryd ledled y byd.
Mae'r artist Ariannin Martina Stoessel, sy'n chwarae rhan y gyfres o'r un enw Violetta Disney, yn drydydd gyda "Violetta Live", ychydig yn is Un Cyfarwyddyd a'r Foo Fighters, yn ôl y cyhoeddiad masnach Pollstar. Dwyn i gof bod yn gweithredu Tini Mendoza ar Fai 5 yn Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias a Pitbull chweched a'r nawfed rheng Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, yn y cyfamser, gosodwyd yn y 12fed.
Rhestr Pollstar yn cynnwys prisiau tocynnau cyfartalog a chyfartaledd Cododd y ddinas.
Yma, mae'r rhestr lawn
1. Un Cyfarwyddyd; $ 5,824,734 refeniw ar gyfartaledd fesul ddinas y mae'n cael ei gyflwyno; $ 108.57 bob gwerth mewnbwn ar gyfartaledd.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3,123,758; 88.27 $.
3. Violetta; $ 2,061,960; 77.17 $.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1,612,996; $ 125.68.
5. marwn 5; $ 1,456,267; 91.04 $.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1,130,916; 85.88 $.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1,106,153; 90.84 $.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1,073,882; 99.43 $.
Argentina Tini Stoessel wà ni olorin julọ owo gba ni 2014.
Martina "Tini" Stoessel (18) di a ogbontarigi okeere olorin ọpẹ si gan gbajumo TV jara "Violetta".
Ati awọn aseyori ajo waye ni 2014 reaffirms, ko nikan kún gbogbo yara ninu eyi ti o ti gbekalẹ ṣugbọn awọn tobi tiketi ni kẹta ipo, agbaye, bi awọn olorin ti o diẹ owó kore ni 2014.
Awọn eekadẹri ti a pese nipa ohun okeere irohin specialized ni orin, nibi ti awọn ẹgbẹ so wipe diẹ owo gba lori wọn sanlalu-ajo je Ọkan Direction, pẹlu ẹya apapọ ti $ 108 fun titẹsi; ni keji ibi wà Foo awọn onija ati kẹta, Violetta.
Violetta-ajo, Enrique Iglesias pẹlu maluiwoile ati Juan Gabriel o wa laarin awọn julọ ni ere ti awọn akoko ni agbaye.
The Argentina olorin Martina Stoessel, ti o yoo ni eponymous jara Violetta Disney, wa ni ipo kẹta pẹlu "Violetta Live", o kan ni isalẹ Ọkan Direction ati awọn Foo awọn onija, ni ibamu si awọn isowo atejade Pollstar. Ẹ rántí pé igbese Tini Mendoza lori May 5 ni Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias ati maluiwoile ipo ẹkẹfa ati ẹkẹsan Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, Nibayi, ti a gbe ni 12th.
Pollstar akojọ pẹlu awọn ilu dide apapọ ki o si apapọ tiketi owo.
Nibi ni kikun akojọ
1. Kan Direction; $ 5.824.734 apapọ wiwọle fun ilu ni eyi ti o ti wa ni gbekalẹ; $ 108,57 kọọkan input iye lori apapọ.
2. Foo awọn onija; $ 3.123.758; $ 88,27.
3. Violetta; $ 2.061.960; $ 77,17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1.612.996; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1.456.267; $ 91,04.
6. Enrique Iglesias / maluiwoile; $ 1.130.916; $ 85,88.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1.106.153; $ 90,84.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1.073.882; $ 99,43.
Argentina noTini Stoessel kwaba umdwebi imali kakhulu anqotshwa 2014.
Strip Infant abazinikele Martina Violetta "noTini" Stoessel (18) njengoba nomdwebi ngamazwe. Futhi tour yimpumelelo owawuse-2014 kuqinisekisa, hhayi nje wagcwalisa zonke ekamelweni kulo wethulwe kodwa ithikithi omkhulu wesithathu kahle, omhlaba, njengoba umdwebi imali eningi ukuvunwa ngo-2014.
Amanani walungiselelwa-magazine international ezikhethekileko umculo, lapho band wawuthi imali eningi eqoqwe kuma izinkambo zabo olunzulu kwaba One Direction, nge-avareji ka $ 108 yomncintiswano; endaweni yesibili kwaba Foo Fighters nowesithathu, Violetta.
Violetta izinkambo, Enrique Iglesias kanye Pitbull and Juan Gabriel ziphakathi inzuzo kakhulu okwamanje emhlabeni wonke.
The artist Argentina Martina Stoessel, odlala kahle kwezinto kulolu chungechunge eponymous Violetta Disney, zibalwa yesithathu "Violetta Live", ngezansi nje One Direction kanye Fighters Foo, ngokusho ukuhweba ncwadi Pollstar. Khumbula ukuthi isenzo noTini Mendoza on May 5 Malvinas Argentinas
Iglesias and Pitbull isikhundla lesithupha nangelesishiyagalolunye Juan Gabriel. Ricardo Arjona, Okwamanje, wabekwa ngekhulu le-12.
Uhlu Pollstar kuhlanganisa wedolobha avareji begodu isilinganiso ithikithi amanani.
Lapha uhlu oluphelele
1. One Direction; $ 5.824.734 ezingenayo isilinganiso umuzi ngamunye lapho linikezwa; $ 108,57 value ngayinye input ngokwesilinganiso.
2. Foo Fighters; $ 3.123.758; $ 88,27.
3. Violetta; $ 2.061.960; $ 77,17.
4. Fleetwood Mac; $ 1.612.996; $ 125,68.
5. Maroon 5; $ 1.456.267; $ 91,04.
6. Enrique Iglesias / Pitbull; $ 1.130.916; $ 85,88.
7. Queen + Adam Lambert; $ 1.106.153; $ 90,84.
8. Chris Brown; $ 1.073.882; $ 99,43.
One dead, two injured "abandoned" in car outside a police station
A police officer spotted a man and a woman wounded by gunfire near the body of a deceased inside a car man, who parked a few meters from a police branch of the locality of Jose Leon Suarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina
A man was shot dead and his body was found inside a car parked outside a police station of José León Suárez, which further were another man and a woman wounded to death, police said.
Investigators believe that the victims were attacked and killed in a shantytown in the area and the suspicion is that it was a reckoning.
According to researchers, it all happened in front of the police station on the 4th. San Martín, located in the Juan Manuel de Rosas Avenue to 4100, Jose Leon Suarez, when about two in the morning he parked a Peugeot car 306 blue with three occupants on board, and with the window completely bored to death .
According to police sources, when an officer approached the vehicle he observed that within the same three people were bloodied.
The police determined that one of these people, a young man named Javier, was dead with multiple gunshot wounds at the waist and abdomen. Meanwhile, the woman, identified by police as Maria Alejandra Escobar (37), wounded in both legs, and the driver of the car, called Nélson Barrera, was presented a touch of bullet in the head. Both were taken to a hospital, but reached to tell the police who moments before had been in a town of José León Suárez, where they were received dead by a group of people.
The woman told investigators that the young man named Javier had asked her to accompany him to that village because "I had to fix some issues with people known". He also said that the other man was a taxi driver and did not know him.
Investigators determined that the car had all his papers in order and that he had asked for kidnapping. The main suspicion points to the crime that young could have been the result of a reckoning.
The young deceased had a criminal record and had been imprisoned until days before in a prison of La Pampa and there had shared a cell with the pair of Escobar, the injured woman.
Argentine scientists have found genetic disorder that causes epilepsy and autism
They sequenced and decoded, for the first time in the country's, the entire genome of three children with autistic disorder and epilepsy and they discovered genetic alteration.
The experts sequenced and decoded for the first time in the country's, the entire genome of three children with autistic disorder and epilepsy and they discovered the genetic disorder that can cause disease.
"In the first half of 2014 we identified disturbance, discriminate the inheritance mechanism and provide clinical value of genetic information, which served to meet the diagnostic odyssey of this family and put an end to many years of trouble" said Marcelo Kauffman, chief of Surgery and Laboratory of Neurogenetics at the Ramos Mejía Hospital.
Kauffman said that so far there isn´t currently any specific curative treatment, and study was only experimental but not therapeutic implications" the finding is auspicious to complete the diagnostic search and pave the way for possible future solutions."
The study was published in the journal PLoS One, whose authors belong to the Bioinformatics Platform Argentina, the Argentine Consortium for Genomic Technology and Neurogenetics of Ramos Mejía.
The project was led by Kauffman; chemical specialist in bioinformatics Adrian Turjanski; and molecular biologist Martin Vazquez, all members of the National Council of Scientific and Technical-CONICET.
The study of the complete genomes of three brothers identified an alteration in the gene SHANK3.
According to the authors, who analyzed more than three million variants, the results suggest that this alteration would result in a variation in appropriate synaptic levels of glutamate, a key neurotransmitter communication between neurons. Experts explain that this would be the cause of that condition.
Kauffman said, "although there is no specific treatment to correct alterations in SHANK3, treatments under investigation, once approved, could benefit" to patients in the future.
"Not every patient with autism benefit from a genomic study, because autism is not a rare disorder and requires in itself a genetic diagnosis, this case had autism, epilepsy and recurrence in the family," said Kauffman.
The autism spectrum disorders are characterized by reduced sociability of the individual, repetitive behaviors and severe flaws in language development, including clinical manifestations.
Rare diseases have a prevalence lower than five people per 10,000 inhabitants; in most cases are caused by genetic alterations that are slow to be diagnosed.
Advances in genomics now allow to recognize the genetic causes of these rare cases, what is "causing a paradigm shift in medical practice" raised Kauffman, also a professor in the department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine UBA.
Turjanski a doctorate in chemistry, bioinformatics specialist, is devoted to study and predict (through computer algorithms) the structures of bio-macromolecules, such as proteins and DNA; He is a professor in the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the UBA and scientific repatriated 600th since 2003.
These results open new paths that directly impact on the clinical care of patients, improving diagnostic processes and treatment of rare diseases, through the use of local technology with highly qualified human resources, "said the Ministry of Science and Technology of Argentina
Source: Telam
The Argentine government will ask the United Kingdom again to allow identification of Argentine soldiers buried in Malvinas
Cristina Kirchner announced that all DNA samples were taken from relatives of those killed in the war of 1982. This procedure was done to determine the identity of the soldiers buried in the cemetery of Darwin (Malvinas).
President Cristina Kirchner announced that sampling of DNA from relatives of Argentine soldiers killed in the Falklands war concluded recently, so the government will urge the UK to allow progress with the identification of combatants buried in the Darwin Cemetery.
"We do not know who is buried in Darwin. We will urge the British government to allow to identify the dead. It would be something extraordinary for families and for us too" said the head of state on a brief contact with reporters after the ceremony she led in Tierra del Fuego to 33 years into the conflict.
During the Malvinas War 649 Argentine soldiers were killed.
In Darwin cemetery 123 of them lie buried as NN and remembered with "Argentine soldier known only to God." In 2012, the Argentinian Government had requested cooperation to the International Committee of the Red Cross to enable identification.
In the last hours, Daniel Filmus, secretary Related to the Malvinas Islands Affairs, saida that "the UK lead to humanitarian commitments it has signed" to lead to identification.
Last year, Hugo Swire, British official for Latin America, said neither his country nor the kelpers had received a "formal" request to implement the identification process, before which the Government replied the procedure, being a humanitarian case is coordinated by the International Red Cross and not directly between Argentina and the United Kingdom.
Controversy for one identification
Aro said then toured the country speaking to relatives of veterans to know if they accepted know where they were buried soldiers killed in the war and that the majority of responses were positive.
However, the initiative sparked the rejection of the Committee of Relatives of the Fallen in Malvinas, who reported a spurious interests behind the proposal.
In that sense, the head of the commission, the veteran Cesar Trejo, planted: "Since 1983 have been different British operations for the transfer of the bodies. Aro acknowledged that General Cardoso gave the envelope with this proposal. This is a new British initiative disguised under false humanitarian objectives, since it is not infringed the right to identity ".
Source: Infobae
A chilling new PSA takes on sexual assault through a unique set of eyes: yours.
More than 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. That's over 1 billion survivors worldwide.
The "shemale" police who extorted tourists
In Tucumán (Argentina), an agent posing as woman extorted tourists with his naked photos. When they tried to arrest him, he tried to escape by biting the arm of the victim.
The story began with a conversation via WhatsApp between with a tourist visiting Tucuman and an alleged woman.
The talk got hotter and hotter and the tourist imagiend an intense love affair. They exchanged intimate photos, until she asked for money to not broadcast the images.
But in reality, she was a police officer who was arrested when he tried to collect the money.
According to the newspaper La Gaceta, the defendant is Jorge Daniel Juárez, who worked in the Personal Background division. Attorney Instruction V Nomination, Washington Navarro Dávila, was charged with the crime of extortion, after the tourist conduct a complaint sectional 1st.
The victim is 26 years old and came to the police station to report that extortion was receiving messages from a man who had posed as a woman, to seduce through messages and urge him to take out nude photos and send them.
Tourists offered $ 200. On the other side (supposedly the police Juárez) warned that it could put together a collage with pictures and send them to your friends and family.
The victim reported the incident to the police station and told them they had to meet the person who asked for money. The meeting was held, and tourists had to ride the bike defendant not to escape, to the delay of the police to arrive. So managed to reduce it in Marcos Paz and Monteagudo. In his attempt to flee, Juarez had bitten his arm.
Maradona will marry an Italian
The child that was with Cristiana Sinagra exfutbolista will marry Nunzia Pennino. Is this the Diego was found on the guest list?
Diego Maradona Junior marries a beautiful Italian Nunzia Pennino.
The lovebirds started dating a year ago. She is 25, is a makeup artist and beauty consultant.
Recall that the star did not recognize as legitimate son Diego Jr. until November 2007, when it agreed to pay alimony, but never filed a relationship with him.
For that reason-other tantas-, "Dieguito" continues to hurt his father, although it is possible rapprochement between them, given the great event that is about to occur in the youth's life.
Will you go, Diego? We shall see.
Maradona vil gifte seg med en italiensk
Barnet som var med Cristiana Sinagra exfutbolista vil gifte Nunzia Pennino. Er dette den Diego ble funnet på gjestelisten?
Diego Maradona Junior gifter seg med en vakker italiensk Nunzia Pennino.
Turtelduene begynte å date for et år siden. Hun er 25, er en makeup artist og skjønnhet konsulent.
Husker at stjernen ikke anerkjenner som legitim sønn Diego Jr. frem til november 2007, da det ble enige om å betale underholdsbidrag, men aldri arkivert et forhold med ham.
Av den grunn-annet tantas-, fortsetter "Dieguito" for å skade hans far, selv om det er mulig tilnærming mellom dem, gitt den store begivenheten som er i ferd med å skje i ungdommens liv.
Vil du gå, Diego? Vi skal se.
Марадона выйдет замуж итальянский
Ребенок, который был с Кристиана Sinagra exfutbolista выйдет замуж Nunzia Pennino. Является ли это Диего был найден в списке приглашенных?
Диего Марадона Младший женится на красивой итальянской Nunzia Pennino.
В влюбленных начали встречаться год назад. Она составляет 25, является визажист и консультант красоты.
Напомним, что звезда не узнал, как законный сын Диего-младший до ноября 2007 года, когда он согласился платить алименты, но никогда не подал отношения с ним.
По этой причине, другой tantas-, "Dieguito" продолжает болеть отца, хотя вполне возможно, сближение между ними, учитывая большое событие, которое должно произойти в жизни молодежи.
Будете ли вы идти, Диего? Мы увидим.
Марадона вийде заміж італійський
Дитина, який був з Крістіана Sinagra exfutbolista вийде заміж Nunzia Pennino. Чи є це Дієго був знайдений в списку запрошених?
Дієго Марадона Молодший одружується на красивій італійської Nunzia Pennino.
У закоханих почали зустрічатися рік тому. Вона становить 25, є візажист і консультант краси.
Нагадаємо, що зірка не дізнався, як законний син Дієго-молодший до листопада 2007 року, коли він погодився платити аліменти, але ніколи не подав відносини з ним.
З цієї причини, інший tantas-, "Dieguito" продовжує хворіти батька, хоча цілком можливо, зближення між ними, враховуючи велику подію, яка повинна відбутися в житті молоді.
Чи будете ви йти, Дієго? Ми побачимо.
מאַראַדאָנאַ וועט חתונה אַ איטאַליעניש
Argentina - UK War: Unpublished photos, Sinking of the Belgrano
32 years ago Margaret Thatcher ordered the sinking of the Argentinian cruiser General Belgrano.
She is the only ship ever to have been sunk during military operations by a nuclear-powered submarine[1] and the second sunk in action by any type of submarine since World War II, the first being the Indian frigate INS Khukri by the Pakistani Hangor during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War.
"The cruiser General Belgrano I lived up to its motto:.. Go under before lowering the national flag The flag was the last I saw then on the raft on which I stood, my conscripts sang the national anthem with them spent 36 hours of survival, "said the commander of the ship, the captain of the ship Hector Bonzo, a few days of rescue.
The sinking of the cruiser General Belgrano, under the Falklands conflict, is considered by many as a war crime because the ship was attacked when he was outside the exclusion zone of 150 miles around the islands, which had been imposed unilaterally by the British.
Of the 1,093 crew of the ship, only 740 were rescued alive after spending almost three days in their rafts adrift in the icy waters of the South Atlantic.
"The wind was icy and giant waves. In the raft apretujábamos us against each other for warmth. We were fifteen in a closed, with some chocolates and blankets to cover ourselves orange boat when the wind chill was at least 20 degrees below zero "said Lt. Carlos corberta Bartolomé Castro Madero, a day to be modest.
That May 2, Margaret Thatcher ordered the English Defence Minister, John Nott, to convey to the English Admiralty directed the commander of the British nuclear submarine `Conqueror`, Commander Christhopher Wreford-Brown, torpedo and sink the cruise General Policy Belgrano.
Pursuant to that order, the 15.57 of the May 2, Wreford-Brown, a distance of about 1,400 yards, did fire two torpedoes MK-8, with a payload of 365 Kg-Torpex each against the cruise.
Ten minutes later, the commander of Cruise decided he could not do anything but give the order to abandon ship. 70 self-inflating rafts, which could hold twenty men each were then released. The orange roofs rafts seemed a collar surrounding the vessel to protect it.
An hour after being touched, the Belgrano turned and sank.
"The Belgrano was sunk in forty minutes. It was incredible, amazing that such a mass was absorbed by the water so quickly," said the sergeant first Silverio Muscardin nurse.
As a result of the attack and sinking 323 crew members, one cause of the explosions produced by torpedoes introducing into the helmet collided with explosives magazines, others by suffocation and drowning others died in the sinking.
The criminality of the sinking of the Belgrano was recognized even by the British, who accept that the decision to torpedo was more linked to a political issue than a military necessity, because the ship did not pose any danger.
The former British prime minister had ordered the sinking to hinder the peace negotiations, as the Argentina military junta seriously analyzed the acceptance of the proposal of the then Peruvian President Fernando Belaunde Terry.
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- Former Argentine President Carlos Menem warned tha...
- Tidligere argentinske presidenten Carlos Menem adv...
- Бывший президент Аргентины Карлос Менем предупреди...
- Eski Arjantin Devlet Başkanı Carlos Menem AMIA dav...
- OwayenguMongameli Argentina Carlos Menem waxwayisa...
- Big Brother 2015: Nadia Terazzolo in Playboy
- Argentine citizens chide presidential candidate an...
- Tini Stoessel was the argentine artist who most mo...
- 티니 Stoessel 아르헨티나는 대부분의 돈 2014 원 작가였다.
- Tini Stoessel Argentina var kunstneren mest penger...
- Tini Stoessel آرژانتین هنرمند بیشتر پول به دست آور...
- Tini Stoessel Argentyna była artystką najwięcej pi...
- Tini Stoessel Argentina foi o artista mais dinheir...
- Tini Stoessel Argentina a fost artistul cel mai de...
- Тини Стессель Аргентина художник больше всего дене...
- Tini Stoessel Argentina bil umetnik največ denarja...
- Tini Stoessel Argentina var konstnären mest pengar...
- อาร์เจนตินา Tini Stoessel เป็นศิลปินที่ได้รับรางวั...
- Tini Stoessel çoğu Arjantin para 2014 yılında kaz...
- Argentina Tini Stoessel là nghệ sĩ nhiều tiền nhất...
- Roedd Ariannin Tini Stoessel yr artist mwyaf o ari...
- Argentina Tini Stoessel wà ni olorin julọ owo gba ...
- Argentina noTini Stoessel kwaba umdwebi imali kakh...
- One dead, two injured "abandoned" in car outside a...
- Argentine scientists have found genetic disorder t...
- Alejandra Martinez, the most beautiful woman in Có...
- The Argentine government will ask the United Kingd...
- A chilling new PSA takes on sexual assault through...
- The "shemale" police who extorted tourists
- Maradona will marry an Italian
- Maradona vil gifte seg med en italiensk
- Марадона выйдет замуж итальянский
- Марадона вийде заміж італійський
- מאַראַדאָנאַ וועט חתונה אַ איטאַליעניש
- Argentina - UK War: Unpublished photos, Sinking of...
- ► septiembre (11)
- ► septiembre (8)
- ► septiembre (36)
- ► septiembre (2)