When it comes to witnessing sexual harassment and violence, keeping quiet isn't an option.
Trigger warning: images from a PSA about sexual assault and harassment.
Now there's a PSA targeted to bystanders, highlighting the important role they can play in rape prevention.
The government of Ontario just produced #WhoWillYouHelp, a video that looks at various scenarios where women are being harassed or assaulted and puts you, the viewer, in the position of being a witness to someone's harassment or assault.
More than 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. That's over 1 billion survivors worldwide.
Yet, when it comes to discussing rape culture, addressing these problems at their roots, and taking concrete actions toward reducing that figure, the world remains passive. There have been campaigns aimed at helping survivors find the support they need after the attack, and there have been efforts to toughen up how we deal with assailants, but there's one crucial group that's almost always left out of the discussion: the bystanders.
As the PSA plays, you're put in the position of the bystander, seeing the coworker being harassed, the girl at the party being assaulted, the sexts being shared, and the man drugging the woman at the bar.
It offers a choice, but the message is simple.
Source: UpWorthy
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