The event, which attracted 1,400 people at La Rural, brought together 20 speakers from various fields, who shared their experiences and projects presented their subjects Manu Ginobili, Luis Pescetti and Luis Moreno Ocampo, among others

With the presence of 1,400 people who attended free of charge to the talks that featured 20 speakers, Buenos Aires was the first edition of TEDx which took place in Argentina, an independent event and local TED is organized for 25 years and seeks to promote the dissemination of ideas that are worthwhile, and details his motto.
"There were proposals for 400 people to tell their story," said the mathematician and journalist Adrian Paenza, the master of ceremonies TEDxBuenosAires. was present with a team of journalists, whose coverage via Twitter Bilinkis was accompanied by Santiago, one of the drivers of TEDx Buenos Aires.
The event featured a live broadcast at the Faculty of Sciences of Buenos Aires and another on the Internet, which had more than 3000 people watching TEDxBuenosAires chats simultaneously.
After a brief introduction prerecorded video of Chris Anderson, curator of TED, the opening was led by Mariano Sigman, a graduate in Physics and a PhD in neuroscience, with its exhibition "The machine that constructs reality, followed by musician and comedian Luis Pescetti. Thus, TEDxBuenosAires had the presence of various speakers from disparate areas and disciplines, but with the common goal of mobilizing the audience.
For twelve hours, the exhibits presented TEDxBuenosAires scientists, musicians, athletes, anthropologists, a 18-minute format was strictly regulated by Adrian Paenza. Between each presentation was made at TED Talks issued in previous years, as Sir Ken Robinson talk about the death of creativity of children in schools, one of the videos with more views on the official website.
Among the speakers present were Luis Pescetti, Bea Pellizzari, Manu Ginobili, Alberto Kornblihtt, Jose Cibelli, Gabriel Gellone, Inés Sanguinetti, Roberto Guareschi, Mariano Sigman, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Mercedes Salado Puerto, Miguel Brechner Frey, Constanza Ceruti, Matias Zaldarriaga, Salt Marcos and Jaime Lerner.