A chilling new PSA takes on sexual assault through a unique set of eyes: yours.
The "shemale" police who extorted tourists
In Tucumán (Argentina), an agent posing as woman extorted tourists with his naked photos. When they tried to arrest him, he tried to escape by biting the arm of the victim.
The story began with a conversation via WhatsApp between with a tourist visiting Tucuman and an alleged woman.
The talk got hotter and hotter and the tourist imagiend an intense love affair. They exchanged intimate photos, until she asked for money to not broadcast the images.
But in reality, she was a police officer who was arrested when he tried to collect the money.
According to the newspaper La Gaceta, the defendant is Jorge Daniel Juárez, who worked in the Personal Background division. Attorney Instruction V Nomination, Washington Navarro Dávila, was charged with the crime of extortion, after the tourist conduct a complaint sectional 1st.
The victim is 26 years old and came to the police station to report that extortion was receiving messages from a man who had posed as a woman, to seduce through messages and urge him to take out nude photos and send them.
Tourists offered $ 200. On the other side (supposedly the police Juárez) warned that it could put together a collage with pictures and send them to your friends and family.
The victim reported the incident to the police station and told them they had to meet the person who asked for money. The meeting was held, and tourists had to ride the bike defendant not to escape, to the delay of the police to arrive. So managed to reduce it in Marcos Paz and Monteagudo. In his attempt to flee, Juarez had bitten his arm.
Source: http://www.cronica.com.ar/article/details/28397/la-trampa-erotica-del-policia-travesti
Maradona will marry an Italian
The child that was with Cristiana Sinagra exfutbolista will marry Nunzia Pennino. Is this the Diego was found on the guest list?
Diego Maradona Junior marries a beautiful Italian Nunzia Pennino.
The lovebirds started dating a year ago. She is 25, is a makeup artist and beauty consultant.
Recall that the star did not recognize as legitimate son Diego Jr. until November 2007, when it agreed to pay alimony, but never filed a relationship with him.
For that reason-other tantas-, "Dieguito" continues to hurt his father, although it is possible rapprochement between them, given the great event that is about to occur in the youth's life.
Will you go, Diego? We shall see.
Maradona vil gifte seg med en italiensk
Barnet som var med Cristiana Sinagra exfutbolista vil gifte Nunzia Pennino. Er dette den Diego ble funnet på gjestelisten?
Diego Maradona Junior gifter seg med en vakker italiensk Nunzia Pennino.
Turtelduene begynte å date for et år siden. Hun er 25, er en makeup artist og skjønnhet konsulent.
Husker at stjernen ikke anerkjenner som legitim sønn Diego Jr. frem til november 2007, da det ble enige om å betale underholdsbidrag, men aldri arkivert et forhold med ham.
Av den grunn-annet tantas-, fortsetter "Dieguito" for å skade hans far, selv om det er mulig tilnærming mellom dem, gitt den store begivenheten som er i ferd med å skje i ungdommens liv.
Vil du gå, Diego? Vi skal se.
Марадона выйдет замуж итальянский
Ребенок, который был с Кристиана Sinagra exfutbolista выйдет замуж Nunzia Pennino. Является ли это Диего был найден в списке приглашенных?
Диего Марадона Младший женится на красивой итальянской Nunzia Pennino.
В влюбленных начали встречаться год назад. Она составляет 25, является визажист и консультант красоты.
Напомним, что звезда не узнал, как законный сын Диего-младший до ноября 2007 года, когда он согласился платить алименты, но никогда не подал отношения с ним.
По этой причине, другой tantas-, "Dieguito" продолжает болеть отца, хотя вполне возможно, сближение между ними, учитывая большое событие, которое должно произойти в жизни молодежи.
Будете ли вы идти, Диего? Мы увидим.
Марадона вийде заміж італійський
Дитина, який був з Крістіана Sinagra exfutbolista вийде заміж Nunzia Pennino. Чи є це Дієго був знайдений в списку запрошених?
Дієго Марадона Молодший одружується на красивій італійської Nunzia Pennino.
У закоханих почали зустрічатися рік тому. Вона становить 25, є візажист і консультант краси.
Нагадаємо, що зірка не дізнався, як законний син Дієго-молодший до листопада 2007 року, коли він погодився платити аліменти, але ніколи не подав відносини з ним.
З цієї причини, інший tantas-, "Dieguito" продовжує хворіти батька, хоча цілком можливо, зближення між ними, враховуючи велику подію, яка повинна відбутися в житті молоді.
Чи будете ви йти, Дієго? Ми побачимо.
מאַראַדאָנאַ וועט חתונה אַ איטאַליעניש
Argentina - UK War: Unpublished photos, Sinking of the Belgrano
32 years ago Margaret Thatcher ordered the sinking of the Argentinian cruiser General Belgrano.
She is the only ship ever to have been sunk during military operations by a nuclear-powered submarine[1] and the second sunk in action by any type of submarine since World War II, the first being the Indian frigate INS Khukri by the Pakistani Hangor during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War.
"The cruiser General Belgrano I lived up to its motto:.. Go under before lowering the national flag The flag was the last I saw then on the raft on which I stood, my conscripts sang the national anthem with them spent 36 hours of survival, "said the commander of the ship, the captain of the ship Hector Bonzo, a few days of rescue.
The sinking of the cruiser General Belgrano, under the Falklands conflict, is considered by many as a war crime because the ship was attacked when he was outside the exclusion zone of 150 miles around the islands, which had been imposed unilaterally by the British.
Of the 1,093 crew of the ship, only 740 were rescued alive after spending almost three days in their rafts adrift in the icy waters of the South Atlantic.
"The wind was icy and giant waves. In the raft apretujábamos us against each other for warmth. We were fifteen in a closed, with some chocolates and blankets to cover ourselves orange boat when the wind chill was at least 20 degrees below zero "said Lt. Carlos corberta Bartolomé Castro Madero, a day to be modest.
That May 2, Margaret Thatcher ordered the English Defence Minister, John Nott, to convey to the English Admiralty directed the commander of the British nuclear submarine `Conqueror`, Commander Christhopher Wreford-Brown, torpedo and sink the cruise General Policy Belgrano.
Pursuant to that order, the 15.57 of the May 2, Wreford-Brown, a distance of about 1,400 yards, did fire two torpedoes MK-8, with a payload of 365 Kg-Torpex each against the cruise.
Ten minutes later, the commander of Cruise decided he could not do anything but give the order to abandon ship. 70 self-inflating rafts, which could hold twenty men each were then released. The orange roofs rafts seemed a collar surrounding the vessel to protect it.
An hour after being touched, the Belgrano turned and sank.
"The Belgrano was sunk in forty minutes. It was incredible, amazing that such a mass was absorbed by the water so quickly," said the sergeant first Silverio Muscardin nurse.
As a result of the attack and sinking 323 crew members, one cause of the explosions produced by torpedoes introducing into the helmet collided with explosives magazines, others by suffocation and drowning others died in the sinking.
The criminality of the sinking of the Belgrano was recognized even by the British, who accept that the decision to torpedo was more linked to a political issue than a military necessity, because the ship did not pose any danger.
The former British prime minister had ordered the sinking to hinder the peace negotiations, as the Argentina military junta seriously analyzed the acceptance of the proposal of the then Peruvian President Fernando Belaunde Terry.
Ricky Martin wants to sing in Russia to help the gay community
The easiest option for Ricky Martin would skip those countries that do not respect the rights of homosexuals of their tours without a second thought, however, he still dreams to act again in Russia, where there is a law that prohibits the dissemination of information on "non-traditional sexual relations" between menores- to show that is as normal as any other, regardless of their sexual orientation person.
"Now more than ever, is when I have to go to Russia and let you know that wonderful audience that has always been so warm to me that this is me," said the Puerto Rican idol in an interview with ABC newspaper, during which said that, thanks to its active presence on social networks, able to maintain a close relationship with its broad base of fans around the world, including his Iranian fans: "I love to go to Iran. Indeed, thanks to social networks I have much contact with Iranians. "
In memory of Ricky, the day he publicly acknowledged his homosexuality in 2010 has been recorded as one of the happiest of his life by the sense of freedom he felt, which explains why today works in search of standardization .
"The day I came out of the closet suddenly gained 80,000 Twitter followers. Since then, I live in a constant rush. I did it because I had to, because I had finally overcome this obsession we all have to be accepted by others. When I finally allowed myself to get rid of this obsession, I became a happier person. It is difficult to get to that point, but once you get it, you're free. It is wonderful, "recalled the singer in conversation with the portal Yahoo Music.
Source: eonline.com
Рики Мартин хочет петь в России, чтобы помочь сообществу геев
Самый простой вариант для Рики Мартина будет пропущен те страны, которые не уважают права гомосексуалистов своих туров, не задумываясь, однако, он по-прежнему мечтает вновь выступать в России, где есть закон, который запрещает распространение Информация о "нетрадиционных сексуальных отношений" между menores-, чтобы показать, что это же нормально, как и любой другой, независимо от их сексуальной ориентации человека.
"Сейчас, более чем когда-либо, когда я должен поехать в Россию, и пусть вы знаете, что замечательный аудитория, которая всегда была так тепло мне, что это я", сказал Пуэрто-Рико идол в интервью газете ABC, в ходе которого говорит, что благодаря своим активным присутствием в социальных сетях, способных поддерживать тесные отношения с его широкой базы поклонников по всему миру, в том числе его иранских болельщиков: "Я люблю ходить в Иран. Действительно, благодаря социальным сетям у меня много контактов с иранцами ".
В память о Рикки, день, когда он публично признал свою гомосексуальность в 2010 году был записан как самый счастливый в его жизни в смысле свободы он чувствовал, что объясняет, почему сегодня работает в поисках стандартизации ,
"На следующий день я вышел из туалета неожиданно обрела 80000 Twitter последователей. С тех пор, я живу в постоянном порыве. Я сделал это, потому что я должен был, потому что я, наконец, преодолеть эту одержимость мы все должны быть приняты другими. Когда я, наконец, позволил себе избавиться от этой одержимости, я стал счастливым человеком. Трудно добраться до этой точки, но как только вы его получите, вы свободны. Это замечательно, "напомнил, певица в разговоре с порталом Yahoo Music.
Источник: eonline.com
Ricky Martin ufuna ukucula eRussia ukuze basize umphakathi gay
Nokho, The option elula for Ricky Martin kwakuyoba weqa lawo mazwe ukuthi awahloniphi amalungelo ongqingili of izinkambo zabo ngaphandle umcabango wesibili, yena namanje amaphupho ukuze enze aphinde eRussia, lapho kukhona umthetho onqabela yokwanda imininingwane on "ubuhlobo bobulili non-yendabuko" menores- phakathi ukukhombisa ukuthi ezivamile njengokukhetha imuphi omunye, kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ngokocansi yabo orientation umuntu.
"Manje kunanini ngaphambili, kulapho kumele ukuya eRussia futhi ukukwazisa ukuthi izilaleli ezimangalisayo bekulokhu afudumele ukuze kimi ukuthi lokhu nami njalo," kusho lo Puerto idol Rica ngo an interview with ABC iphephandaba, phakathi naleso wathi, sibonga phambi yayo asebenzayo on zokuxhumana nabantu, bakwazi ukulondoloza ubuhlobo obuseduze base yawo ebanzi abalandeli emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise abalandeli zakhe Iranian: "Ngiyakuthanda ukuya Iran. Ngempela, sibonga zokuxhumana I ngibabona okuningi Iran. "
In inkumbulo ka Ricky, usuku avuma obala yena ubungqingili wakhe ngo-2010 lilotshwe njengoba omunye olujabulisa kakhulu ekuphileni kwakhe by umqondo inkululeko wazizwa, okuchaza ukuthi kungani namuhla usebenza search of Standardization .
"Ngosuku ngiphuma ekamelweni ngokungazelelwe baba nabalandeli 80,000 Twitter. Kusukela ngaleso sikhathi, ngihlala rush njalo. I wakwenza ngoba kwadingeka ukuba, ngoba ngase ekugcineni unqobe lo kukhathazeka sonke kufanele zamukelwe abanye. Lapho ekugcineni wamvumela ngokwami balahle lokhu kukhathazeka, ngaba umuntu ojabule. Kunzima ukuthola lelo phuzu, kodwa uma uthole it, uku free. Kuyamangalisa, "kukhumbula umculi in ingxoxo ingosi Yahoo Music.
Source: eonline.com
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- A chilling new PSA takes on sexual assault through...
- The "shemale" police who extorted tourists
- Maradona will marry an Italian
- Maradona vil gifte seg med en italiensk
- Марадона выйдет замуж итальянский
- Марадона вийде заміж італійський
- מאַראַדאָנאַ וועט חתונה אַ איטאַליעניש
- Argentina - UK War: Unpublished photos, Sinking of...
- Ricky Martin wants to sing in Russia to help the g...
- Рики Мартин хочет петь в России, чтобы помочь сооб...
- Ricky Martin ufuna ukucula eRussia ukuze basize um...
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