A landmark study published in Annals of Bioanalytical Chemistry last month, researchers found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is present in groundwater in areas where it applies.
The researchers found that 41 percent of the 140 groundwater samples collected in Catalonia had elevated levels of this herbicide, which indicates that contrary to the claims of the manufacturer, this herbicide does not decompose as quickly as it says and accumulates in the environment.
Why is contamination of groundwater is an important finding?
Groundwater located beneath the surface, groundwater supplies, wells and springs. If a chemical such as glyphosate can enter groundwater that means it is resistant to biodegradation (after all, is being used to kill some living things), being unavoidable significant environmental exposure to humans.
Note that glyphosate is considered by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency United States) as a Class III toxic substance, deadly for an adult with a dose of only 30 grams., And is associated with more than 20 effects adverse health as it is reflected in the peer-reviewed biomedical literature.
This study on the contamination of groundwater is in addition to another study published in March by the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, where researchers found the chemical between 60 to 100 percent of air samples collected and rain, the indicating that we are exposed to glyphosate and present in almost everywhere. When you simply by breathing are susceptible to glyphosate exposure, then we can be sure that this is an unprecedented problem.
Who is responsible for the contamination of groundwater?
Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology, which now dominates the world market for genetically modified seeds, with a market share of 90 percent, only in the United States.
It is also the world's largest producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed under the brand name Roundup, although there are other brands. If you eat corn or soybeans, or any of the ten thousand products obtained from them, and is certified organic product, it will find Monsanto two ways: genetically modified food, GM, and other side will be exposed to chemicals such as glyphosate, since all food designed by Genetic Engineering by this company, have received large amounts of glyphosate, and therefore, are present in their composition.
Is this the new Monsanto herbicide Agent Orange?
The herbicide Roundup is not the first systemic herbicide manufactured by Monsanto. The firm was manufacturing the herbicide Agent Orange, a defoliant, from 1965 to 1969, being used in Vietnam and affecting the health of 400,000 people and 500,000 children born with birth defects.
The devastation caused by Agent Orange was hidden for many years. And perhaps the herbicide Roundup, whose main active ingredient glyphosate, can cause similar devastation to both human health and the environment, keeping your eyes closed our regulatory agencies.
Damage to health
Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor. Small amounts are able to affect hormonal secretions and cellular receptors and signaling. Several studies published in The National Library of Medicine indicate 17 adverse reactions, including carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
But more worrying, and that makes it possible to buy with Agent Orange, are teratogenic properties, ie their ability to cause birth defects.
Since 2004 evidence was presented that showed the disruptive effects on the endocrine system and the embryo, indicating that it can contribute to cause birth defects and abnormal fetal development.
Now that glyphosate has been found in most samples of air and rainwater, is likely to be contaminated wells, springs and aquifers, with an exhibition not only likely but inevitable.
Eat, breathe, drink ....
The precautionary principle, which almost never used, says that if a company gets a new chemical such as glyphosate, and intends to use it commercially, should first demonstrate its safety for humans before being released into the environment.
The animal research clearly show that glyphosate is harmful, and further evidence is the large number of people being injured in his health by this herbicide.
Monsanto should prove its safety in humans, but it is doubtful that one day will. There are enough research to prove the damage to animals and would not be ethical to conduct in humans.
Hence the need to apply the precautionary principle, necessary to protect our health. Thus we would not eat, breathe or drink glyphosate today. In contrast, chemical companies use animal testing to determine which dose produces an acceptable damage, and extrapolated and applied to the rules of toxicological concern.
Will he delay long in determining an acceptable cumulative exposure, and the mysterious origin of miscarriages, birth defects and serious development problems? Or on the contrary have to keep listening to the lullaby of Monsanto, its research and government regulatory agencies that have employees on the payroll that
Monsanto Roundup contaminates groundwater in Spain
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