Music lovers, especially the tango, a store name: Francis Andreu. Is from Uruguay, is 26 and a deep voice, intense suburban tone, and a strong charisma and stage management, unusual in so young a woman who dares to one genre so manly. For these characteristics, but also by others that the public can discover to listen or to see it, is called to be, in short, one of the female figures in tango del Río de la Plata.
The origin of the artist gave the destination for those things, ten years ago, and he was involved in the Argentine Horacio Pessagno, then manager of Adriana Varela, whom Francis had gone to a bowling alley in the center of Montevideo. Pessagno was impressed by the voice of the teenager who was humming, one by one, singing the tangos Varela.
At the urging of producer recorded a demo in Buenos Aires and a few months, in the same bowling alley where they discovered, was first introduced to the public, by the Uruguayan musician Alberto Magnone. Fresh and brazen dazzled everyone, without exception.
It was not long before Pessagno offered him a contract to launch in Argentina. But the artist does not accept novel: "It was for five years a long time!" He recalled in an interview Francis Cultural supplement of the newspaper El Pais, 2004. "I remember when they told me I immediately thought: 'If neither is where I will be tomorrow, what am I going to sign! But then I felt super seduced. The one I got a little land was my dad,' Are you sure?.'s a long time, Pensalo well, if I sign convinces you. " I thought and I realized that he could not embark on that. The old man, a CRA, "he concluded with a typical Uruguayan expression.
In those early years, without great luminaries, appeared several times in the Bar Tabaré ("Today, my show is for smaller, more intimate. It happens that when I'm away I see the faces and it's like I do not sing for anyone" , acknowledged), and through word of mouth, his name began to take increasingly larger. While many began to "ask" to record an album, she preferred to pay more attention to some references, such as Jaime Roos, who advised on matters musical and stage. "I pulled several sprints," he confessed in the interview above. "For example, once told me: 'You can not laugh when you sing poster. The writing is tough and you are always a laugh escapes you.' Stuck with me."
Along with its growth began to receive people from different countries, dozens of proposals, which invariably was rejected.
Without being seduced by the quick success or honey dazzled with neon lights, Francis chose not rush the natural processes and had tact to disappear sometimes from the stage, and so not to overwhelm the audience.
It was so in pursuit of greater maturity of interpretation, just a decade after he recorded his first album debut, Francis, who appeared a few weeks ago Uruguay by Montevideo Music label group, which emerged last week in Argentina edited by S-music. A discovery.
Francis Andreu: a gem in Uruguay does Argentina stand up
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