The sentence presumptuous radical Senator Gerardo Morales "Us 37" seems to be growing back in time, as evidenced by the negotiators of the various blocks of the opposition in Congress that is defined Deputies yesterday to start the discussion the bill leading pensions to 82% mobile.

The trigger for the change in strategy was the announcement by Senator Roxana Latorre Santa Fe, that would vote against the bill the opposition. The former Reutemann considered that the proposed pension increase to 82% of the minimum wage, living and mobile "points ruthlessly resources of the national executive." Speaking on radio, the senator said that "if I say that we must continue to increase the minimum, of course. I understand that it is valid, which is flattened the pyramid of social security. But we can not fail to see the whole, no one sucks his thumb and unaware that it is advancing the fight of 2011. "

Latorre was taken by opponents as a vote in favor of the proposal, but against the criticism sure to come from the arch opponent, said that "everyone has to answer for their own decisions. The senators respond with our line of conduct and our vote. "

Latorre said that "as we should be warning Peronist the entirety of what is happening. The Senate is reviewing a House is a House conservative, more rational in many decisions, that somehow, without removing the powers of the Chamber of Deputies, has put a lot more rationality to the global debate. "

While the opposition caucus was called before, the sayings of Latorre and conviction that would not have a majority in the Senate, caused an immediate effect. "It changed the strategy, 82% increase in the retirement is on the Deputies," said the leader of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrio, the hurried departure of a top opposition, but said the decision was related to the project of the House "includes updates regarding the case Badaro.

In the meeting also took part Radical Senators Gerardo Morales and Laura Montero, Adolfo Rodriguez Saa of the Federal Peronism, the Members of PRO Paula Bertol and Gabriela Michetti, and Senator Cordoba Luis Juez, among others.

Because the so-called Group A has a true majority in the Lower House, opposition leaders today decided to promote the meeting of the Committee on Budget and Finance of the House the signing of an opinion for the project to finally reach the exhibition in a couple of weeks.

The deputy informed the Chaco journalism that "the opposition senators, meanwhile, will begin to generate public hearings for projects already approved in the Lower House, and the limitations to the decrees of necessity and urgency, Council reform of the Judiciary and the reduction of the power reallocation of the Head of Cabinet.

Moreover, the holder of the Committee on Welfare and Social Security of Deputies, Mauricio Ibarra, said he asked the Speaker of the House treatment on the grounds of the opinion adopted by the Committee on Welfare and Social Security on 29 June which sets the floor of superannuation assets in 82% of the minimum wage, living and mobile, since the deadline passed a month since he was sent to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Meanwhile, national Senator Blanca Osuna (FPV-Entre Rios)? Noted that "the opposition failed in its attempt to adopt populist projects whose ultimate goal was the Argentine pension system underfunding."

He added that a "clear sign of the continued failure of the tactics that seeks to achieve political purposes demagogic actions. In that quest, some have gone further with seudodenuncias amplified by those who only seek to weaken democracy. " And he said: "Those who have made such declarations are required to formalize so that they can clarify facts of nature mentioned."